Your Third Eye


The pineal gland is the eye to your unconscious, otherwise known as your third eye. Your unconscious mind holds all the data or programming from your childhood and societal interactions. Your pineal gland projects, or acts like a projector that plays the same movies over and over again; that which your body’s cells believe to be true. The movies being played and replayed are a compilation of your subconscious programming. It plays out all day while living, and all night while dreaming. The nature of your ego is to constantly seek confirmation that your data or programming is indeed true, (thus attracting more of that into your life). So this loop is constantly in motion and constantly being validated or “stamped” as truth.

What are the movies being played through your third eye, through your projector? Maybe you feel like you come-off dumb in social situations, and sure enough it proves to be true time and again when you believe you just sounded stupid among a group of peers.

What if the real truth was — it is not possible for you to come-off stupid because your true self is flawless.

What if the real truth was — everything that you believe about yourself, that is negative or hurtful — is a lie.

Now… how would it feel if you could reprogram that data bank to project the truth?

Whatever you believe to be true originates from your childhood programming, this data is not only stored in your mind, it is also stored in every cell in your body, (muscle memory). (If you were told you were bad, if you were ignored, or mocked, or beaten, this is what your cell’s believe — that you are not good enough, that you are dumb, that you do not matter). These are the movies that will be played out and validated every day. This is what you will forever seek — thus attract — into your life, until you stop and do the reprogramming needed to attract good things into your life.

Reprogramming requires you to tap into your authentic-self located in your heart’s center, AKA — your soul. When you are in this place, your body, your mind, and all your senses experience “being” in truth. Here you will realize that you are already whole, you are worthy, and you are infinite. Once you are there you allow the vibration of purity and truth to resonate through all the cells in your body, this creates new muscle memory, and eventually a new movie will be played through your projector. The new movie will be of infinite possibility, abundance, and love. Everywhere you turn this new truth will be validated.

At our current level of evolution, this will require a regular meditation practice, one day — meditation won’t be necessary.

The first step is to be able to step back and observe your thoughts, in everyday situations throughout your day. It is not necessary to judge them, just observe. Now simply ask yourself is that a lie, or the truth? A lie sounds negative and invokes fear, anxiety, lack, desperation, a feeling of not being good enough or stupid. The truth sounds kind, supportive and encouraging and invokes ease, abundance, acceptance, love, a feeling of contentment, and being loved.

The second step is to meditate and create a new truth, then to have it resonate into your cells and become new muscle memory.

Finally, you will begin to feel connected to your true self. Living life authentically cultivates imagination, creativity, and allows you to be spontaneous knowing you will be taken care of. Your body’s cells will have a new “KNOWING”… knowing is a step above believing.

My personal practice: Lie in my bed in a semi laying position, pillow under my head and shoulders, and another under my knees, (I like to be covered to stay warm), arms relaxed along my sides, palms facing up. I find some youtube music called “raise my vibration” in the search, (here I can get at least an hour of nonstop music, not that you need an hour). As I sink warm and comfortable into my bed, I take a few deep breathes then I begin relaxing all the muscles in my body, from my face to my toes. Breathing into a deep relaxation, I let go… Set an intention for this practice. If it is my goal to just stay silent, I try by saying a kind “Shhh” everytime a thought pops in. I then try to give full attention to any outside sounds so that I can truly be in the moment. If my goal is to reprogram old beliefs, I repeatedly tell myself “I am worthy”, “I am whole”, “I am pure”, I ask for help and support to show me my true essence.

Practice knowing your third eye projects childhood programming beliefs that are sometimes lies. Say hello to those negative thoughts acknowledging that you see them, surround them with love and light, then seek a deeper truth. The truth is — you are already perfect.

And stop using fluoride, it calcifies the pineal gland.

Why do we self-medicate?

“We can never abolish the selling of drugs and alcohol, but we can abolish the need for them.”    ~ tinymarieb ~

We all consume either drugs, or alcohol, or both. If we don’t, it’s because we are a recovering addict, have been hurt by someone who does, or it is against our religion and beliefs.

If you are regularly reaching for contentment in the form of a bottle, pill, smoke or food  ~ you may be missing something bigger.

North America is the most addicted Nation on the Planet.


We’ve been raised to fill our void by ferociously consuming everything in sight, when that didn’t work, still feeling empty, we turned to alcohol, drugs, and pills…

A feeble attempt at feeling whole…

We can abolish this need by starting at home. Keep your precious child connected to their authentic-self. Start by seeing your children. Let them know you hear them, let them know you see them, show them how their input matters and makes a difference.

For ourselves, the only way to heal is to look inside. Most likely, what we will discover is that we have been living our lives as a fraud… inauthentically… We are far-removed from who we truly are, disconnected from our spirit and our true essence.

Until you understand the basis of your discontent is because your creativity and authenticity are blocked, you will unknowingly encourage your children to do the same.



A Proud Mom

I am incredibly proud that my 3 children voted in this recent election, I am even more proud that one voted green, one red, and one orange. I feel like I have achieved one of my most important missions as a mother; to raise children who can think for themselves thus feel confident in their decisions. They have developed the ability to listen to all sides, take what is true for them, and leave the rest, while still respecting different points of view. They have grown to have their own strong opinions and beliefs. I get a charge when our opinions differ, an even greater charge – when they enlighten me! It is a beautiful thing to listen as my young adult children bring new perspective to the dinner table – with conviction.

My greatest hope is that more parents would encourage their children to be different, to think different, to do life different, to challenge the normal, challenge the average opinion, and dream up new ways. This cultivates creativity, innovation, and happiness. Parents who insist their child do things their way because they know best, are killing creativity and more sadly, their child’s ability to truly know themselves. My greatest pet-peeve is parents who sit around and brag about their child’s achievements while they have no idea, nor do they consider, if their child is even happy.

The key to fixing the problems of our world starts at home.  There is a lot we can learn from our children because they are not yet completely brainwashed (as are we), they still have a sense of self and individuality. I challenge parents to begin looking at their children as equals, as someone to learn from, it opens up a whole new world and relationship that is very fulfilling and enriched.

“Be the change you want to see” — Gandhi

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